Published 6/14/2015
Written by John M Disque
As we approach another national election-season ADS urges each American to do their own careful research on each candidate from both sides of the aisle and make their decisions based on documented facts. These facts are brightly reflected in the candidate's voting history and the goals they accomplished and attempted to accomplish, for the citizens of the US during their entire lives.
"Throughout the world" Clinton is regarded as the most powerful, most respected and most-trusted US politician to ever find herself representing the United States of America. Most of this is the result of her work with the Clinton Foundation. While Secretary of State Clinton consistently pushed for peaceful international solutions to long-time political and economic tensions. The world had been waiting and there she was.
Hillary's global advocacy for women and children is untouched by any living human being and this is where she finds her high nobility. She is only comparable to Eleanor Roosevelt when it comes-to global human rights and, as highly regarded as Eleanor is - her accomplishments come nowhere close to Mrs. Clinton's.
• The Clinton Foundation, founded by her and her husband, has improved the living conditions for nearly 400 million people in over 180 countries through its Initiative program.
• The Clinton healthcare plan laid the groundwork for the Affordable Healthcare Act and, because of this, insurance companies can no longer drop you when you're diagnosed with an expensive medical condition such as cancer.
• She developed the State Children’s Health Insurance Program, which provides the much-needed state support for children whose parents cannot afford nor provide them with adequate healthcare coverage.
• Created the Adoption and Safe Families Act and the Foster Care Independence Act.
• Successfully fought to increase research funding for prostate cancer and asthma at the National Institute of Health (NIH).
• She spearheaded investigations into mental illness plaguing veterans of the Gulf War; we now have a term for it – Gulf War Syndrome.
• At the Department of Justice, she helped create the office on Violence Against Women.
• She was instrumental in securing over $21 billion in funding for the World Trade Center redevelopment.
• Took a leading role in the investigation of health consequences of first responders and drafted the first bill to compensate and offer the health services our first responders deserve (Clinton’s successor in the Senate, Kirsten Gillibrand, passed the bill).
• Was instrumental in working out a bi-partisan compromise to address civil liberty abuses for the renewal of the U.S. Patriot Act.
• Proposed a revival of the New Deal-era Home Owners’ Loan Corporation to help homeowners refinance their mortgages in the wake of the 2008 financial disaster.
• Was a major proponent of sensible diplomacy which brought about a ceasefire between Hamas and Israel, and brokered human rights with Burma.
• Oversaw free trade agreements with our allies such as Panama, Colombia, and South Korea.
• Was the most traveled Secretary of State to date and became the most globally loved US Politician in
Below you will find a partial list of the bills and resolutions Hillary Clinton introduced to Congress during her time in the US Senate.
Over and over Hillary has proposed legislation regulating Wall Street and Corporate America - including Monsanto, while her basic platform is "equality and fairness
for all Americans"... especially those being suppressed by the current system: women, minorities, the poor, children, the education system, etc..
Her policies & platform include: stopping global warming, a fair health system, safe food, veterans rights, ending corporate abuse, ending lack of opportunity, global peace and fighting for the
rights of every single citizen of the United States of America.
* Education Begins at Home Act
* Ready to Learn Act
* Harriet Tubman National Historical Park and Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad National Historical Park Act
* Calling for 2-1-1 Act of 2009
* Paycheck Fairness Act
* Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009
* Daniel Webster Congressional Clerkship Act of 2009
* Homeowner Protection and Wall Street Accountability Act of 2009
* Returning Government to the American People Act
* A resolution relative to the death of the Honorable Claiborne de Borda Pell, former United States Senator for the State of Rhode Island.
* Education Opportunity Act of 2009
* American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
* Comprehensive Health Reform Act of 2009
* Middle Class Opportunity Act of 2009
* Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2009
* Prevention First Act
* Cleaner, Greener, and Smarter Act of 2009
* District of Columbia House Voting Rights Act of 2009
* A resolution designating January 2009 as "National Mentoring Month"
* A resolution honoring the victims of the bombing of Pan Am flight 103 on the twentieth anniversary of the tragedy
* Protecting Patients and Health Care Act
* A resolution condemning the tragic and senseless death by stoning of a 13-year old girl from Somalia
* A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to allow taxpayers to designate a portion of their income tax payment to provide assistance to homeless veterans, and for other purposes
* A resolution supporting the goals and ideals of Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month
* A resolution recognizing and honoring Captain Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger III, his co-pilot Jeffrey Skiles, the crewmembers of U.S. Airways Flight 1549, and the first responders, ferry operators
*A resolution recognizing National American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month and celebrating the heritage and culture of American Indians and Alaska Natives and the contributions of American
*A resolution designating the week of February 2 through February 6, 2009, as "National Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Week"
*Health Professions and Primary Care Reinvestment Act
*Elimination of the Single Parent Tax Act of 2008
*National Principal Recruitment Act
*High-Speed Rail for America Act of 2008
*21st Century Wellness Trust Act
*Preserving Access to Healthcare (PATH) Act of 2008
*Dairy COOL Act of 2008
*A resolution designating the week of November 9 through November 15, 2008, as "National Veterans Awareness Week"
*A bill to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 245 North Main Street in New City, New York, as the "Kenneth Peter Zebrowski Post Office Building"
*Lead-Safe Housing for Kids Act of 2008
*Supporting Mentors, Supporting Our Youth Act of 2008
*Medically Fragile Children's Act of 2008
*Promoting Innovations to 21st Century Careers Act
*Green Hospitals, Healthy Hospitals Act of 2008
*Honorable Stephanie Tubbs Jones College Fire Prevention Act
*Greening the Healthcare Workforce Act of 2008
*Healthy Food for Healthy Lives Act of 2008
*New York/New Jersey High-Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Expansion Act of 2008
*A concurrent resolution recognizing the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the Minority AIDS Initiative
*A concurrent resolution expressing the sense of Congress that ensuring the availability of adequate housing is an essential component of an effective strategy for the prevention and treatment of HIV
*A bill to establish a Commission on the conflict between Russia and Georgia, and for other purposes
*A bill to prohibit the Secretary of Labor from issuing, administering, or enforcing any rule, regulation, or requirement derived from the proposal submitted to the Office of Management and Budget
*A resolution recognizing Hispanic Heritage Month and celebrating the heritage and culture of Hispanic Americans and their immense contributions to the Nation
*A resolution calling for a comprehensive strategy to address the crisis in Darfur, Sudan
*HEATR Act of 2008
*National Fish Habitat Conservation Act
*ALS Registry Act
*Superfund Polluter Pays Act
*Iraqi Refugee and Internally Displaced Persons Humanitarian Assistance, Resettlement, and Security Act of 2008
*A resolution supporting the goals and ideals of National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month
*A bill to amend the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008 to suspend a prohibition on payments to certain farms with limited base acres
*Daniel Webster Congressional Clerkship Act of 2008
*A resolution expressing support for the goals of National Adoption Day and National Adoption Month by promoting national awareness of adoption and the children awaiting families, celebrating children
*General Services Administration Portfolio Enhancement Act of 2008
*Giving Incentives to Volunteers Everywhere Act of 2008
*A resolution supporting the goals and ideals of Red Ribbon Week
*A resolution designating September 25, 2008, as "National First Responder Appreciation Day"
*Josh Miller Helping Everyone Access Responsive Treatment in Schools Act of 2008
*A resolution designating September 2008 as "National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month"
*Star-Spangled Banner Bicentennial Commemorative Coin Act
*Renovation Rule Improvement Act of 2008
*Civil Rights History Project Act of 2008
*Unemployment Compensation Extension Act of 2008
*Children's Environmental Health and Safety Risk Reduction Act
*Protect Pregnant Women and Children from Dangerous Lead Exposures Act of 2008
*Food Insecurity Reduction Act of 2008
*A resolution raising the awareness of the need for crime prevention in communities across the country and designating the week of October 2, 2008, through October 4, 2008, as "Celebrate Safe
*A resolution designating September 27, 2008, as Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Day
* A concurrent resolution expressing the sense of Congress on the need for a national AIDS strategy
* A resolution condemning ongoing sales of arms to belligerents in Sudan, including the Government of Sudan, and calling for both a cessation of such sales and an expansion of the United Nations
* A bill to require the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency to conduct a study on black carbon emissions
* Hospice Protection Act of 2008
* Serve America Act
* A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the terrorist attacks committed against the United States of America on September 11, 2001
* Support for Iraq Oil Trust Act of 2008
* Giving Incentives to Volunteers Everywhere Act of 2008
* Nuclear Facility and Material Security Act of 2008
* Veterans Disability Benefits Claims Modernization Act of 2008
* Sunscreen Labeling Protection Act of 2008
* Access for All America Act
* Saving Energy Through Public Transportation Act of 2008
* Medical Device Safety Act of 2008
* ADA Amendments Act of 2008
* A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that there should be an increased Federal commitment to public health and the prevention of diseases and injuries for all people in the United States
* A bill to amend title 10, United States Code, to authorize commanders of wounded warrior battalions to accept charitable gifts on behalf of the wounded members of the Armed Forces
* Harriet Tubman National Historical Park and Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad National Historical Park Act
* A resolution supporting legislation promoting improved health care and access to health care for women
* Increased Student Achievement Through Increased Student Support Act
* A resolution recognizing July 30 , 2008, as the 40th anniversary of the enactment of the resolution establishing the Senate Select Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs
* National Infantry Museum and Soldier Center Commemorative Coin Act of 2008
* A resolution recognizing the importance of connecting foster youth to the workforce through internship programs, and encouraging employers to increase employment of former foster youth
* A resolution designating August 16, 2008, as National Airborne Day
* A resolution welcoming home Keith Stansell, Thomas Howes, and Marc Gonsalves, three citizens of the United States who were held hostage for over five years by the Revolutionary Armed Forces
* Strengthening Communities Through Education and Integration Act of 2008
* Prioritizing Resources and Organization for Intellectual Property Act of 2008
* A bill to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 101 West Main Street in Waterville, New York, as the "Corporal John P. Sigsbee Post Office"
* A resolution honoring and commemorating the selfless acts of heroism displayed by the late Detective John Michael Gibson and Private First Class Jacob Joseph Chestnut of the United States Capitol
* Great Lakes--St. Lawrence River Basin Water Resources Compact
* Providing Real Outreach for Veterans Act of 2008
* Veteran Voting Support Act
* A resolution reducing maternal mortality both at home and abroad
* A joint resolution providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule set forth as requirements contained in the August 17, 2007
*Children's Budget Act
*Nanotechnology Innovation and Prize Competition Act of 2008
*Enhanced Partnership with Pakistan Act of 2008
*A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate on the crisis in Zimbabwe, and for other purposes
*Credit Card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure Act of 2008
*A resolution relative to the death of Jesse Alexander Helms, Jr., former United States Senator for the State of North Carolina
*Small Business Energy Emergency Relief Act of 2008
*A resolution designating June 27, 2008, as National HIV Testing Day
*Prevent Unfair Manipulation of Prices Act of 2008
*Warm in Winter and Cool in Summer Act
*Port Authority of New York/New Jersey Port Security Task Force Implementation Act of 2008
*A bill to designate a portion of United States Route 20A, located in Orchard Park, New York, as the "Timothy J. Russert Highway"
*Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Reauthorization Act of 2008
*Access to Air Travel Act
*Access to Air Travel Act
*Medicare DMEPOS Competitive Acquisition Reform Act of 2008
*Preventing Student Loan Discrimination Act
*Oversight of the Performance and Effectiveness of National Contracting Act of 2008
*Federal Employees Paid Parental Leave Act of 2008
*A joint resolution approving the renewal of import restrictions contained in the Burmese Freedom and Democracy Act of 2003
*White House Conference on Food and Nutrition
*A bill to prohibit the use of funds by the Department of Defense for propaganda purposes within the United States not otherwise specifically authorized by law
*Safe Aviation Facilities Ensure Aircraft Integrity and Reliability Act of 2008
*Long Path Trail Study Act of 2008
*National Innovation and Job Creation Act of 2008
*Oil Savings Act of 2008
*A concurrent resolution supporting the goals and ideals of National Better Hearing and Speech Month
*Kid-Safe Chemicals Act of 2008
*AmeriCorps: Together Improving Our Nation Act
*A resolution recognizing the 100th birthday of Lyndon Baines Johnson, 36th President, designer of the Great Society, politician, educator, and civil rights enforcer
*A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the earthquake that struck Sichuan Province of the People's Republic of China on May 12, 2008
*Senior Year Community Service Act
*A resolution designating June 2008 as "National Internet Safety Month"
*A resolution designating May 15, 2008 as Military Kids Day
*A resolution designating September 13, 2008, as "National Childhood Cancer Awareness Day"
*HONOR Warriors Act
*Great Lakes Legacy Act of 2008
*A resolution supporting the goals and ideals of National Train Day
*Armed Forces Housing Security Act
*A resolution expressing the Sense of the Senate on humanitarian assistance to Burma after Cyclone Nargis
*OPEC Accountability Act
*A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide for a suspension of the highway fuel tax, and for other purposes
*A bill to improve and enhance the mental health care benefits available to members of the Armed Forces and veterans
It's important to note that the above list is only a small percentage of the bills Hillary Clinton introduced, most of-which passed easily. They serve as an example to surpass all rumors and flat-out lies about where her concerns are, what she deems most important and who she represents.