The BIG 14
Florida | 29 |
With 29 electoral votes, everyone wants FL and, as usual... it's very close... with current numbers, at the time of publication, at 45% vs 45%.
Georgia | 16 |
Leaning toward Trump but still very close.
North Carolina | 15 |
---Dead Even---
Virginia | 13 |
Leaning toward Hillary but still very close.
Pennsylvania | 20 |
Leaning toward Hillary but still very close.
New Hampshire | 4 |
---Dead Even---
Michigan | 16 |
Leaning toward Hillary but still very close.
Ohio | 18 |
Leaning toward Trump but still very close.
Wisconsin | 10 |
Leaning toward Hillary but still very close.
Iowa | 6 |
Leaning toward Trump but still very close.
Colorado | 9 |
Leaning toward Hillary but still very close.
Utah | 6 |
The state is notoriously bright red, but 3rd party candidate - Evan McMullen is taking a lot of votes from Trump. If McMullen wins and Hillary and Trump's numbers are close, Utah and McMullen could forever been known as the Republican spoiler.
Arizona | 11 |
---Dead Even---
Nevada | 6 |
---Dead Even---
*We will have a live report on election night, with up-to-the second reports on how each of these
states are voting.
Check this page for the link (LIVE Election